Blend Away Your Blues: Best Healthy Smoothie Recipe

Raspberry, blueberry, banana smoothie

Raspberry, Blueberry  & Banana Smoothie

The flavours for a fruit smoothie are nearly limitless.  But naturally sweet raspberries and blueberries make a delicious combination.  Add a banana – a great thickener for smoothies – you could use fresh or frozen. Add some variety and try blackberries or strawberries. 


1 cups of frozen unsweetened raspberries 

1 cup of frozen unsweetened blueberries

1 large banana, peeled and cut into sections

1 cup of Hemp & Co hemp milk          

½ cup apple juice

½ cup soft silken tofu (I had to hunt for this. Finally found some at Tai Ping in Auckland)

1 Tblsp Hemp & Co Original hemp seed oil



Place all ingredients into a blender or food processor and process until smooth.  Pour into chilled glasses and serve. 

Note: Leftovers will keep in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.  Be sure to use silken tofu.  Water-packed tofu is too firm to make a smooth blend. 

Yield: 2 ½ cups (3 servings); Serving: ¾ cup

General: This liquid refreshment made using hemp milk is a complete protein source and has more fibre than many breakfast cereals and small amounts of many other nutrients everything from vit E to potassium to magnesium. 

Hemp and Co


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